Global Oneness Project is a free multimedia education
platform, offering high quality multicultural resources
and associated lesson plans, all aligned to Common Core
and National Standards.
Our award-winning short films have been featured on
The New York Times, National Geographic,
The Smithsonian, The New Yorker and more.
All resources are free.
The Global Oneness Project and the strength of “interconnectedness”
Reviewed by Alice Shu
Issue 9 Fall 2011
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then how much can a video tell us?
The Global Oneness Project is an online community, which produces and gathers films to educate, “how the simple notion of interconnectedness can be lived in today’s complex world.” A wide range of topics such as sustainability, conflict resolution, spirituality, indigenous culture, and social justice are presented in these pieces through their library, and can be accessed online, through DVDs, and select broadcast outlets. The Project seeks to inspire individuals to better understand the world around them, in order to develop human potential towards effective solutions on both a local and global scale.
The current theme for The Global Oneness Project is “More With Less,” examining how developing countries such as Cuba, South Africa, and India are doing more with less through transportation, agriculture, and health & hygiene. The exponential rate of resource consumption by developed countries must be acknowledged. There is too much association with one’s possessions: an “over-identification with ownership.” This current model of a throwaway culture is not sustainable, and it will take the role of design to significantly slow down global consumption rates. Strategic design will determine how people interact with materials, resulting in leading more fulfilling lives,
with less stuff.
Educational resources such as The Global Oneness Project are spreading awareness on
opportunities for strategic design to problem solve for a changing world.
The Global Oneness Project is working on a documentary about 3 stories connected by water on 3 different continents, to be released in 2012. Click here to learn more about Elemental the film.